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Our stories connect us.
I share my story so that you know you are not alone.


Gina Perkins
Jun 1, 20219 min read
First Time Moments With a New Diagnosis
About 12 years ago, I started blogging fairly regularly. It was during my pregnancy with my first daughter when I was discovering my...

Gina Perkins
Feb 19, 20215 min read
And the A**hole Award Goes To...
I'm not your "big planner" kind of girl. I'm more of a "we'll figure it out when we get there" kind of a girl. "A little of this, a...

Gina Perkins
Jan 28, 20215 min read
How Anxiety Prepared Us for "The Diagnosis"
It was December 10, 2020 (at the time of this writing, that's just 7 weeks ago) when our world would suddenly, shockingly, and completely...

Gina Perkins
Oct 26, 20204 min read
Courage is Subjective
I'm dying. Right here on this sidewalk. Alone. I'm going to die." That was the narrative running through my mind during my first panic...

Gina Perkins
Oct 26, 20204 min read
Decision Fatigue
As I write this, I am eavesdropping on my daughters’ nightly practice of asking the other to rate their day on a scale of 1-10, with 10...

Gina Perkins
Oct 26, 20204 min read
To My Daughter With Anxiety: These Are the 2 Words I Cannot Accept
Dear Baby Girl, Yes, I realize you’ve been tall enough to ride Space Mountain for the past few years, but you will always be my baby. My...

Gina Perkins
Oct 26, 20203 min read
Finding Gratitude in the Noise of COVID-19 Quarantine as a Highly Sensitive Person
Noise. Inside my home right now — in this very strange season of global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic — noise is everywhere. I find...

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