Kristina Yu
Professional Artist and Illustrator
Kristina Yu is a self-taught artist, illustrator and surface designer from Los Angeles, CA who rediscovered her love of illustration after working nearly a decade as a designer in the tech industry. In 2016, she founded Cheery Human Studios, a creative brand and online shop focused on bright and encouraging artwork for all humans. Her artistic style is whimsical, adorable and fun. Her love for color started as early as she can remember. As a child, she loved picture books, Rainbow Brite, musicals, crayons, and sticker collecting. Not much has changed since then except she now creates her own stickers and is thrilled to be working with Gina on her very first picture book, "Katie Not Afraidy"!
"Katie Not Afraidy" is a dream project for Kristina who can personally relate to Katie’s strength and vulnerability when those wretched Story Bugs come around! She hopes that her contribution to this book will not only help children but adults like herself who have lived with some form of anxiety all their lives.
(It's also worth mentioning that all of the characters you see throughout this website are all Kristina's handiwork!)